No one in their right mind cherishes buying car insurance, in particular when their premiums are through the roof. You have so many car insurance companies to buy insurance from, and though it is a good thing to have a selection, having more auto insurance companies makes it harder to get the best deal.
Smart consumers take time to do rate comparisons quite often since rates are constantly changing. Even if you got the best price on Legacy coverage two years ago other companies may now be cheaper. Starting right now, ignore everything you know about car insurance because you’re about to learn the tricks you need to know to save money, get proper coverage and the best rates.
Car Insurance Prices
Cutting your car insurance rates doesn’t have to be difficult. The only thing you need to do is take time to compare quotes from different insurance companies. This is very easy and can be done in several different ways.
- The fastest way to compare a lot of rates at once would be an industry-wide quote request form click here to open form in new window. This form keeps you from doing multiple quote forms for each company you want a rate for. One quote request will return quotes direct from many companies.
- Another way to analyze rates requires you to visit each individual company website to complete a price quote. For examples sake, let’s say you want comparison quotes from Nationwide, Farmers and Progressive. To get each rate you have to visit each site to input your insurance information, which is why most consumers use the first method. For a list of links to companies insuring cars in your area, click here.
- The most time-consuming way of comparing rate quotes is driving around to local insurance agencies. The ability to buy insurance online eliminates the need for an insurance agent unless you prefer the professional guidance of a licensed agent. It is possible to price shop online and still use a local agent and you’ll learn how to do that later.
Which method you use is up to you, but make darn sure you compare the exact same information for each price quote. If each company quotes different liability limits it’s impossible to truly determine the lowest rate.
Pay less by taking advantage of discounts
The cost of insuring your cars can be expensive, but there could be available discounts to help offset the cost. A few discounts will automatically apply when you quote, but some may not be applied and must be asked for before you get the savings. If you don’t get every credit available, you’re paying more than you need to.
- Good Student – A discount for being a good student can save 20 to 25%. This discount can apply well after school through age 25.
- Auto/Life Discount – Companies who offer life insurance give lower rates if you buy auto and life insurance together.
- Use Seat Belts – Using a seat belt and requiring all passengers to wear their seat belts could cut 10% or more on the medical payments or PIP coverage costs.
- Multiple Policy Discount – If you insure your home and vehicles with one company you may earn at least 10% off all policies.
- Claim Free – Good drivers with no accidents pay less as compared to bad drivers.
- Safety Course Discount – Taking part in a defensive driving course can save you 5% or more if you qualify.
- Homeowners Savings – Being a homeowner can save you money due to the fact that maintaining a home is proof that your finances are in order.
- Paperwork-free – A few companies give back up to $50 for buying your policy on their website.
Consumers should know that most credits do not apply to the entire cost. Most only reduce specific coverage prices like medical payments or collision. Just because it seems like all the discounts add up to a free policy, it doesn’t quite work that way. But all discounts will reduce the cost of coverage.
For a list of insurance companies with discount car insurance rates, click this link.
Why your Subaru Legacy insurance rates may be high
An important part of buying insurance is that you know the different types of things that play a part in calculating car insurance rates. Understanding what influences your rates helps enable you to make changes that may reward you with big savings.
- Bundling policies can get discounts – The majority of companies will award you with lower prices to people who carry more than one policy in the form of a multi-policy discount. Even though this discount sounds good, it’s in your best interest to compare rates to verify if the discount is saving money. Consumers may find a better deal by buying insurance from more than one company.
- A lapse in coverage is a bad thing – Having an insurance coverage lapse will be a guaranteed way to trigger a rate increase. And not only will insurance be more expensive, getting caught without coverage may earn you a hefty fine and possibly a revoked license.
- Liability insurance protects assets – Liability insurance provides coverage if you are found liable for personal injury or accident damage. Liability provides legal defense starting from day one. Carrying liability coverage is mandatory and cheap compared to physical damage coverage, so do not skimp.
- Discounts for married couples – Getting married can actually save you money when buying car insurance. It means you’re more mature than a single person and statistics show married couples file fewer claims.
- Men are more aggressive – Statistics have proven that women are safer drivers than men. However, don’t assume that women are BETTER drivers than men. They both are in accidents in similar numbers, but men cause more damage and cost insurance companies more money. Men also get cited for more serious violations such as reckless driving.
- Your credit rating is important – Credit score is a important factor in calculating your car insurance rates. Therefore, if your credit history is lower than you’d like, you could be paying less to insure your Subaru Legacy by repairing your credit. Consumers who have high credit scores tend to be less risk to insure as compared to drivers with poor credit.
- More claims means more premium – If you tend to file frequent claims, you can look forward to higher rates. Car insurance companies give cheaper rates to people who are claim-free. Insurance coverage is intended for larger claims.
Quote online but work with a neighborhood agent
Some people prefer to buy from a local agent and that is a personal choice. Insurance agents can answer important questions and help you file claims. One of the great benefits of price shopping on the web is the fact that you can find the best rates but also keep your business local. And providing support for local agencies is definitely important in smaller communities.
For easy comparison, once you complete this short form, the quote information is sent to agents in your area who will return price quotes for your insurance coverage. There is no reason to drive around as quotes are delivered to the email address you provide. It doesn’t get any easier!
If you wish to view a list of agents in your state to contact, visit this page.
Picking a company should depend on more than just the price. Some important questions to ask are:

- Does the agency provide any after hours assistance?
- Does the agency support the community they serve?
- What will you get paid if your car is a total loss? How is that amount determined?
- Are there any discounts that you might be missing?
- How long have they worked with personal auto insurance coverage?
- What are the financial ratings for the companies they represent?
- Can they give you a list of client referrals?
- How long has their agency been open?
After getting satisfactory answers to these questions and a low price estimate, you have narrowed it down to an provider that will provide car insurance coverage.
And the best car insurance company is…
As you prepare to switch companies, it’s a bad idea to buy less coverage just to save a little money. In many cases, an insured dropped liability coverage limits only to regret they didn’t purchase enough coverage. Your goal should be to get the best coverage possible at an affordable rate, not the least amount of coverage.
We just covered some good ideas how you can get a better price on Subaru Legacy insurance. The key thing to remember is the more quotes you get, the higher your chance of finding lower rates. Consumers could even find that the lowest priced car insurance comes from some of the smallest insurance companies. Regional companies may often insure only within specific states and give getter rates as compared to the big name companies such as GEICO and State Farm.